Our services

Caledonian Science Press leverage our experience in scientific communications, digital marketing and stakeholder engagement to build communities and maximise a project's visibility, impact, and reach among its target audiences.


To support the overall goals of a project and the sustainable development targets, we aim to:

  • • Enhance the visibility of the project’s scientific contributions
  • • Engage with multiple key stakeholder groups
  • • Grow human relationships and build communities
  • • Influence attitudes, behaviours, and policy when applicable


  • • Development of the project visual identity (logo etc.)
  • • Establishment of the key project objectives and messaging (clear, strong, concise, visually engaging)

Strategic communications

  • • Development of a comprehensive communication plan (WHAT, WHY, WHOM, HOW, and WHEN) aligned with the project objectives
  • • Target audience and stakeholder group identification and engagement strategies
  • • Networking strategies and community building

Content Creation

  • • Scientific articles, press releases, newsletters (fully targeted)
  • • Infographics, video production, and other multimedia content (inc. standalone project video)

Website and Social Media

  • • Project website design, development, and maintenance
  • • Social media selection, setup and management
  • • Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) to increase online visibility
  • • Consistent content updates on project progress and milestones


Multiple channels are utilised for effective reach. These include but are not limited to:

  • • Printed publications, journals
  • • Conferences, meetings
  • • Stakeholder events
  • • Websites, blogs
  • • Traditional media (TV, radio, web)
  • • Newsletters
  • • Social media
  • • Personal communication
  • • Public events
  • • Teaching activities

Public Relations

  • • Media outreach and press engagement (inc. media kits and press packs)
  • • Crisis management planning

Event Promotion and Management

  • • Webinars, workshops, and conference organisation
  • • Representation at industry events and symposiums

Analytics and Reporting

  • • Regular performance tracking (number of participants at events, website and social media analytics etc.) to monitor effectiveness
  • • Impact assessment and recommendations for strategy optimisation